It may be an unpopular opinion, but if you cant afford to live in a particular area, then move. Im not calling anyone out or using anyone here as an example. So if what Im about to write sounds familiar, it wasnt on purpose.

When I was young, my parents moved the family out of Massachusetts because dad was a mechanic, and mom worked at a grocery. Got to the point that they couldnt afford it anymore, so we moved to the hills of Va. And that was way before super expensive cable packages, cell phones, 8 year car loads, ect ect. I remember PB&Js with a glass a milk or something called American Chop Suey (hamburger and elbow macaroni with a can or tomato sauce) was the main menu for I dont know how many meals.

Sure you can try to "win" and earn more and try to save a buck here and there, and find out what your willing to put up with in your area. But my parents found a place that still needed a Mechanic and a Cashier. Pay was decent for the area, cost of living was much lower, and I got to join a baseball team and have my own glove and bat. That was awesome back then.

So I always hear about people who cant afford to move, or they dont want to move away from their support group, ect ect ect. But if you cant afford your area, and you have actually reduced every bill you can think of, then how can you afford to Not move? Maybe peoples support group is what is holding people back?

I dont know, I know that if times are hard, I cut way back on spending and turtle up. And if gets to the point where I can afford what I have, then I'll sell everything but the car and clothes and head to cheaper pastures. (Which is really only 10 miles from me, blue ridge hillbilly country and all that)