LOL funny you should ask
A year ago we rented a home in Murphy NC. A local told us about that road and said that it would be a nice short cut. We had 3 F6Bs and a Ducati and a Kawasaki. From the Murphy side it starts out pavement, but in very short order turns to gravel and then in short order again turns to a 2 track trail and then at the top of the mountain becomes a one track path covered with leaves and sticks. Yes we took the bikes through there, very slowly. We should have taken pictures but we were busy trying to keep the bikes upright. When you get about 3/4 of the way down it will again turn into a gravel unimproved path and when you get closer to the camp down by the falls it will again become sorta paved. Trust me.....Once was enough for us. We will never do it again. Its more for dirt bikes and ADV riders then street bikes