I'd think you would be more apt to lose the "dummy" key every time you removed it. I think they are the best thing since sliced bread. I leave the key fob on my ignition key so it doesn't get lost. I just went out to start my bike last week and the battery was so dead it wouldn't do anything. No lights, no anything. But the key fob opened both doors. I really thought it was the ignition or something, but replaced the battery and it's all good. It was 7 years old so served it purpose. I have a battery tender hooked up to my battery, so a very slight charge would surely get them open if mine opened with a battery so dead it wouldn't even turn on a dash light. I always hated having to shut off my bike to open the bags, because I will not leave my key in the lock or the ignition in the Denver area. If you feel comfy leaving it in the lock, power to ya. I would say it's no different than buying a car with electric locks, most people want he convenience.