Hey, my friend. Congrats for buying that new Wing! Soooo jealous.
I've been reading your posts here and in the FB group, stalking you. lol

I'm very curious to know your opinion of the maneuvering and handling of the new Wing as compared to your F6B... especially in the sport mode.
By that I mean, this Wing, with the trunk... how does it handle and behave in the twisties vs the F6B? I know how much you love to run the curvy roads... do you feel the trunk is any sort of detriment to the performance? Did you consider the non-Tour option before you bought this model? Do you think you made the right decision?

i know... so many questions! Ha! But once-upon-a-time I had a full on Aspencade... and never really got comfortable with the bike, partly because of the higher center of gravity. Do you feel that at all with this reboot?

Thanks! Keep riding safe!