Quote Originally Posted by olegoat345 View Post
Supreme Court Judge Kavanaugh, is as pure as fresh snow. Yea right! You're right, facts are facts. Unless you have different facts than what the facts really are. We have a fox watching the hen house, stealing chickens, & selling them for 100 times what they're worth. Like the US Air Force staying in Trumps hotels. What's that all about? Sorry, let's not talk about that type of thing. Never mind dozens of multi billion dollar "no bid" contracts given to his big donors. You're right, It's okay because it's Trump...… He can do no wrong, he's perfect!...……………….let the grade school name calling & threats begin.
Thats where the media bias comes in. I'll tell you what thats all about because I've been part of the aircrew and have gone through this. The AF flies to many destinations as part of the job. They have to find a hotel on many of these missions that are not to another AF base where there might be lodging. The government works with hotels to get a military rate and then approve certain hotels and they publish that for the aircrew. In this case there were two approved hotels available which were approved by the Obama administration. The aircrew had a choice between those two and chose the less expensive The Trump was the cheaper of the two. This really is a case of media bias trying to make something out of nothing to get Trump