Nah . . . I don't think you're done but you need to find what's missing for you from the riding experience. When you do head out do you ride solo all the time? If so, maybe you need to find a local riding group (or alternatively, one or two other like-minded riders) to connect with occasionally. Same thing with trips -- maybe plan two or three long weekend trips next season and commit to it. Charting new territory to explore is always a great way to reignite the riding 'spark.' Or maybe you're like me and just had a crappy riding season because of forces outside your control. My riding season is just six months or so (guessing it's similar for you in Indiana) and I did about the same mileage as you this past season. Nothing but local riding and one over-nighter. All long trips were put on the shelf. Just a fraction of what I normally manage. It was brutal. Keep the faith . . . there's always next season!