Heya - bit of a lurker, but still very much a F6B newbie.

My last bike was a VTX1800 in 2002 - as soon as they hit the showroom floor...... Had to get rid of it around 2008. Fast forward 12 years, I'm stationed at Ft. Carson, Colorado and finally have the opportunity to get back into a street bike.

Tonight, Sunday, is the first night my new (to me) 2015 Silver (Gray?) deluxe (12000 miles) is down in the garage.

My road still is slick with ice - so I doubt I'll get much street time until March, but I do have about an hour on it (while it was sitting at a friends house).

My order of mods are (per "BigCat's" videos - I think he had a great setup)
1) PC-8 fuseblock
2) Rear LED full rear running lights with switchback turn signals + TIR 3 \ Wigwag setup.
3) Front LED fogs + Front LED switchback turn signals
4) Mad windshield
5) RDL seat

I'll probably try to order the parts for 1,2,3 all at once this week. Finding a decent set sockets for the rear switchback bulbs may be problematic, but we'll give it a shot.

Anyhoo - probably will be posting quite a few questions....

Thanks -
SapperWing (Not for GoldWings.... Sapper = Combat Engineer + Detroit RedWings = SapperWing)