Quote Originally Posted by 2wheelsforme View Post
FROM MULTIPLE FORUMS: (10-30 is perfect. 10-40 is OK but not really needed as this is not a HD. Use Honda oil and not worry. Honda oil is just some one elses oil with Honda on the label. Car oil is OK and even good if Mobile one or Rotellia. You must use motorcycle specific oil only. Syn oil is worth the high cost specially if you want to go long periods without changing. Syn can cause detrimental things to happen to your clutch. Amsoil is the best. Amsoil will make your clutch slip and your engine leak. Change oil at 3K, change oil at 5K, change when the book says at 8K. If using syn you can go even longer. Always change the crush washer, no need to ever change the crush washer.) Not interested to hear what you do and how it has always worked just fine because no one cares. But if you want to add more tidbits of info even conflicting ones go ahead. Yep!
I try to do all of this with most of these products at least 3 times a year.