Quote Originally Posted by Audiochris90 View Post
So did you do a thread on your helmet speakers yet? I run the iasus helmet speakers. They are great but designed for a military style throat mic so the left is long and right is short cable. So the left and right have to be reversed. That makes the sound out of phase they call it. It still sounds great. We should compare. You should ride out for the no frills rally in Colorado in September. Come by OKC and Ill ride out with ya.
I haven't done a thread on it , but I got it from this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QpgDCYyRcY I did it. Bought a set of the Panasonic headphones on Amazon. Cost me $20. The headphones are normally $60, but most ofteb if you pick the right color, you canfind them for much cheaper. Color doesn't matter because it's only the speakers you're using. Don't know how they compare to the speakers with the 50S, but they sound great and so much better than the stock.

You know I would love to come out west. Been wanting to get back to Colorado since I was there 2 year ago. The dates would be hard for me I think.