Took a week and rode around NC and TN. I usually don't do the Dragon anymore been there, done that but my brother who just moved back from 10 years in AZ was with me. We arrived Sunday afternoon at around 5. We stayed at The Iron Horse MC resort. We set up camp and rode over to Deals Gap. There was absolutely no one there. Maybe 10 bikes in the parking lot. I don't often push the bike to MY limits anymore. At 62 I'm not as fearless as I used to be. I decided if there was no one in my way I would let loose. I told my brother I would wait for him at the end. I rode the whole 11 miles and was only slowed once by a truck who was pulling over to let me by before I caught him. I was grinding footrest on both sides and pushing her harder than I have in a few years. It was more than fun. I waited for my brother to arrive at the end and turned around and did it again. Pays not to go there when it's crowded.