Like F6Dave, back in the 80's I rode with a club that was mainly Goldwings, the Snoopers. At that time it seemed like every rider in our club (we had around 100 members) had the Goldwing CB. I bought a slightly used 84 Goldwing that didn't have the CB, but immediately had it added. I found it helpful to be able to listen to music and communicate with my passenger while riding, but then if our Road Captain or any other members in our group noticed a problem or encountered a possible hazard they would alert the group. This came in very handy on Poker Runs over unfamilar roads especially in dicey weather. Two of the more prominent memories I have are a warning while we were on the coast and there were large rocks on the very twisty road that we would otherwise have been unaware of until the last second. The second instance was in the Sierra Nevada mountains when the Road Captain encounted black ice . He managed to avoid going down, but some of our less experienced riders would certainly have crashed without his warning.