Quote Originally Posted by jm21ddd15 View Post
Seems like extremely high price to me. I put in the "Speed Bleeders", and brake fluid and clutch is easy and quick. And doesn't require an extra person. Coolant change is not hard either, but takes a bit longer. WJDuke, do you have a service manual? Just wondering. Give these fluid changes a try, next time they are due. It will save you plenty of $$, and the satisfaction of self maintanence is a great feeling. However, I don't have any idea of your age, or mechanical ability, so, I should just shut my mouth. Anyway, have a good day!
I’m 64, somewhat mechanically inclined, but no mechanic. I’m just at the point of letting someone else do the difficult stuff. I don’t have many tools, or even a good place to work on it. I’ve changed my own tires and always did the oil changes. I used to work in tire shops. I appreciate the advice!