Cooling Vest
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Thread: Cooling Vest

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2021
    Marshville, North Carolina

    Cooling Vest

    Anyone using one of those cooling vests with the phase ice packs? Am entering the 90+ degree season in NC and want to ride more.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Texas Hill Country
    I'm a Central and South Texas boy so I'm a bit more "acclimatized" to hot weather. I've got one of the cheaper cooling vest that you soak in water. It works OK as long as you soak it in water every few hours.
    2016 F6B Standard Matte Silver. Freedom Combat Slip-Ons, BaggerShield 11" - 19" Sport Shield, Kuryakyn Ergo II Highway Pegs, Ultimate King Seat w/Driver Backrest, Pathfinder Running/Turnsignal/Driving Lights, Beeline Moto Navigation, INNOVV K2 Camera, DHS Racing Shifter Linkage Upgrade, Show Chrome Handlebar Risers and Luggage Rack.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Az Wingrider's Avatar
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    I also have an evaporative cooling vest and I think it is a worthwhile thing to have in warm weather. As Sea Steve says its necessary to rewet it every couple hours. It also works best if you wear something over it to keep it from drying out to fast. I feel it has an advantage over the phase ice packs type of vest because you can stop and recharge multiple times a day. The disadvantage of the evaporative cooling vest is that you end up with a wet shirt, but I carry a spare shirt so it is not a problem.

    Good luck
    Az wingrider

  4. #4
    Senior Member willtill's Avatar
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    Whatever happened to just dumping a water bottle all over yer shirt?

    21 years Army (retired)
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  5. #5
    Moderator BIGLRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
    Whatever happened to just dumping a water bottle all over yer shirt?
    My method of cooling since I started on 2 wheels many years ago

    The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot -
    the guy who invented the second one... he was the genius!

  6. #6
    Senior Member rdbonds's Avatar
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    Given that Tourer is in NC, I suspect he was asking about the frozen pack vests due to in the South, there's a fair amount of the year where the humidity is 90+%, and evaporative cooling doesn't work all that well. Wetting one's shirt to cool off just means that you're hot...and wet. It'll work a little, but once you reach the wet bulb temp, you're as cool as you're gonna get.

    Cheers and stay cool...however you best can.

  7. #7
    Senior Member SimonTemplar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rdbonds View Post
    Given that Tourer is in NC, I suspect he was asking about the frozen pack vests due to in the South, there's a fair amount of the year where the humidity is 90+%, and evaporative cooling doesn't work all that well. Wetting one's shirt to cool off just means that you're hot...and wet. It'll work a little, but once you reach the wet bulb temp, you're as cool as you're gonna get. ........
    I'm in WinstonSalem NC....and I can second the above. Evaporative cooling ceases working in late-May every year and doesn't resume until mid-October.

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