Everyone is mostly correct...except...

You need a pencil, and 8" to 12" of nylon fishing line.

Make a garrote by breaking the pencil in half and then tie each half to opposite ends of the fishing line (making T-handles on each end). With this you can slip the line under each emblem and then use the handles to GENTLY 'saw' back and forth working your way through the adhesive layer that holds the emblem to the bike. The adhesive layer is really just a length of double-sticky-sided foam.

Wait for a warm sunny day and leave the bike out in direct sunlight for 45 mins or so before you start. Warming things up will make your job easier.

Most likely, you WILL have some residue or even part of the adhesive layer left on the bike. DO NOT use Goo Gone or similar to get that up. Goo Gone WILL work....but most people use too much of it and use it improperly....so it stains the tupperware.

Instead.....take your time and use your fingers or thumb to gently rub and just roll the remaining bits off the plastic. Dont use fingernails...most likely you'll scratch the finish. Just rub back and forth.

Once you get all the bits up....then you can use a good cleaning wax/rubbing compound/whatever you feel most comfortable with to polish out the rest.

Dont be in a hurry. Work slowly. Do it right and when youre done it'll look like it was never there.
