There's no fighting but clarity is vital whenever you are putting forward information, presenting it as cold hard scientific fact, until it is pulled apart and evaluated. Read the data presented and see if it is valid or not. This is how we have Dr. Fauci stating masks will protect you from getting Covid and spreading it when no scientific data of the sort exists. Nobody on the forum should present any information as gold standard fact when it isn't. If you want to say "Here's a study done, decide for youself" that's fine. My only point was if this information is so groundbreaking why wouldn't Honda take out full page ads in every mag touting it. Because their well paid lawyers tell them to stay away from this like kryptonite or K&N would drag their asses into court and debunk this "test" in a second and have a multi-million dollar settlement. Anyway, like I said before a lid for every pot