Quote Originally Posted by willtill View Post
Mike, yes I have that feature. However I installed the modulating units on the low beam, so I don’t think manipulating the high beam switch will change the sensitivity. Could be wrong on that though I haven’t had the need to adjust the sensitivity.

Yep, I carry the Kisan manual with me, it has mention of that Federal Law which allows modulation of motorcycle headlights. I have had one incident where a Howard country cop wrote me a ticket, despite my best efforts to educate him. Called their Popo Internal Affairs later that day and the next morning, a detective was calling me up, apologizing and voiding the ticket, and erasing it from the state database as well.

A Maryland State Trooper pulled me over once too, but he made a quick call to his dispatcher and confirmed they were allowed.

So I’ve only been pulled over twice in the decades I have been running them. More often than not, traffic gets out of my way or someone will infrequently pull over, thinking I’m the Popo. Wearing a white helmet with black visor probably accentuates the look.
I knew you were aware of the law I was just making a general statement to thread in case someone threw an eyeball on the thread and was thinking about getting them. In the 5 years I had them on the bike I was stopped once, showed the trooper the law he didn't want to hear it, had a female rookie in the car he was training/trying to nail, so instead of hashing it out right there I just shut the high beams off.