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Thread: Deadhorse to Deadhorse

  1. #21
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jm21ddd15 View Post
    glad your okay. Sorry to hear your going to sell the F6. Been good to have your voice on the forum. Gotta respect your decision tho. Everything in life has risks. Wish you the best. Good pics you posted on the trip. Lots to see in this country.
    Hey, I'll still post, write my usual sparky opinions. I'll just do it from a spectator point of view. Thanks for the nice words. On a lighter note new grandchild coming in August. Doing my best to excite them about the space program
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  2. #22
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Some more pics
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  3. #23
    Senior Member Rickc's Avatar
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    A ride you will never forget. Sorry things didn't go as planned but happy you are here to tell us about it.

  4. #24
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rickc View Post
    A ride you will never forget. Sorry things didn't go as planned but happy you are here to tell us about it.
    I will definitely remember this one, for both good and bad, thanks for the sentiments
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  5. #25
    Senior Member FarsideF6B's Avatar
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    Wow TF4 Not an epic trip like my first message had responded to your plans. So fortunate that you made it back safely. I was in the wind in Montana and the Dakotas in June 2022. It wasn't fun but no accidents. The fierce winds really made it difficult so I have a good idea of what you experienced. Sorry to hear you are calling it quits but with your close calls you know what's best. Best of luck with what ever you do to take the place of riding! There is plenty

  6. #26
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FarsideF6B View Post
    Wow TF4 Not an epic trip like my first message had responded to your plans. So fortunate that you made it back safely. I was in the wind in Montana and the Dakotas in June 2022. It wasn't fun but no accidents. The fierce winds really made it difficult so I have a good idea of what you experienced. Sorry to hear you are calling it quits but with your close calls you know what's best. Best of luck with what ever you do to take the place of riding! There is plenty
    Thank you Farside, too many close calls. That wind in northern North Dakota, lower Saskatchewan, was brutal. Combined with US52's elevated, bi-directional, 2 lane, traffic, with the storm I was going into it would have been a suicide mission. I also was unaware of the National Weather Service gave a wind advisory where I was. In the end, I think crocheting would be the safe venture, with my luck, however, there is the hook. Keep you posted
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    Last edited by taxfree4; 06-29-2024 at 07:11 AM.
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  7. #27
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    A couple years ago, I crossed western Minnesota, which is a flat area with nothing but soy beans and corn. Got into heavy cross winds and pouring rain on a 2 lane country road. fortunately, I found a small mom and pop motel and had to stop for the rest of the day . Thankfully the net morning all had calmed down. The wind can be vicious, with or without the rain. It was a delay for me, but I kept on with my trip.

  8. #28
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jm21ddd15 View Post
    A couple years ago, I crossed western Minnesota, which is a flat area with nothing but soy beans and corn. Got into heavy cross winds and pouring rain on a 2 lane country road. fortunately, I found a small mom and pop motel and had to stop for the rest of the day . Thankfully the net morning all had calmed down. The wind can be vicious, with or without the rain. It was a delay for me, but I kept on with my trip.
    I've dealt with crosswinds for years but the combination of a 2 lane, bi-directional road, with all roads leading up to it to be dirt, elevated 6-8 feet in the air, riding into a storm for the next 400 miles to Saskatoon was a suicide mission. I said to myself this is not why I ride.
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