thinking about a trike kit
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Thread: thinking about a trike kit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Franklin ohio

    Talking thinking about a trike kit

    I have been thinking about triking my 13 F6b...not anytime soon because of money. but I was wondering what kit you all think is the better one, and why?
    I know I would want the independent suspension and the 6 degree rake, but other than that I don't know much about the different kits.
    I really liked the Tilting Motor Works kit, but it looks funky with the wheels up front, but I love the idea of still being able to lean into the curves a little more easier....and it would sure be different at the get togethers .

  2. #2
    Senior Member F6Dave's Avatar
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    Elizabeth, Colorado
    If you do it, I'm sure someone here will want your rear wheel. I bought a spare from a trike shop and it is so convenient having a rear tire mounted and ready to install.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Fort Atkinson, Wi
    I have an 82 year old friend who has sold his 2 wheelers, and now rides a Polaris Spyder. He is very happy with it. As far as I go, I haven't seen an F6 that is triked out, so I have no info to share. I'm sure the F6 would make a great trike.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    timmins ontario
    Motor trike has a kit for the f6b with the independent suspention set up.

  5. #5
    Senior Member F6Dave's Avatar
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    Elizabeth, Colorado
    Converting an F6B should be similar to a regular Goldwing, and there are plenty of kits for those. The guy who owned the dealership in Colorado Springs where I bought my spare wheel used the DFT trike kits. One disadvantage of an F6B trike would be the lack of reverse.

    If 2 wheels get to be a problem for me I might switch to a convertible sports car. The Mazda Miata is affordable and handles great. Or maybe a Mustang.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Fort Atkinson, Wi
    I guess there are several former F6 riders that may have switched to trikes, or smaller bikes as they have gotten older. Makes me wonder how many of us are still on our F6s. I remember the rally when we were all parked up high on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Fun time, it was! Hope we can do something similar again.

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