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Thread: Shinko Tires

  1. #11
    Senior Member F6Dave's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Elizabeth, Colorado
    There are other brands with tires for the GL1800, like Metzeler, Dunlop, and Avon. However, they all cost more.

    I ran a few sets of Metzelers on one of my Valkyries and liked them. If the price were better I might try a set on the F6B. I used to run Avons on both Valkyries and liked them so much I tried them on the F6B. Then this bulge suddenly appeared on the front. Now I run Bridgestone on the F6B and both Valks.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Franklin ohio
    My buddy has a big full dress Harley, he runs the 777 Shinko tires and he loves them, I am not sure about milage or anything , but he is a guy who looks for bargains and he says he will buy them again.

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