When I installed the Helibars on my F6B, I was very impressed with the engineering that went into these fine motorcycles. The plastic parts fit very specifically, and there are a number of layers of parts that must be removed/installed in a specific sequence, or parts, and possibly tools, can get lost. It is easy to blame the technician, or one's own self for these small oversights, but before doing so, remember how sophisticated these motorcycles are, and keep in mind that most of us are not professional mechanics. I'm of an age now that I must take pictures as I disassemble these machines, and carefully lay out the hardware as it is removed. I also take careful notes as I work. Try using a bright flashlight to illuminate those crevices that lie beneath our lovely coachwork. The Helibar installation took one full man day to complete, and this work was done in a well-equipped facility.

Thank you!
Lucas in Phoenix