Hi there, been lurking a bit on this forum, checking out the F6B. I just made a nice deal for a local (east TN) black 2013 F6B Deluxe with extended warranty. Should take delivery in a few days. Just wanted to say hello and ask my first two questions.

I'm totally into being able to control my iPod from the driver controls. Honda talks about some sort of SRS headphone technology. What the heck is this? How do I get tunes into my helmet? I've just used earbuds and an iPod in my jacket previously (what a nuisance!). Anyhow, I'd like to get my helmet fitted with something the plugs into the F6B and takes advantage of this SRS thing. Thanks....

p.s. I test drove the F6B this past weekend at my Honda dealer. Oh my gosh, what a rocket. I was not prepared for the torque, braking power, and ability to fly like that. Actually, I lurched out into traffic on a few of my starts from a stop and was more jerky than I've ever been on my VTX. It was disconcerting, but I started to feel the clutch friction zone and calmed down a bit. But it is a touchy "let me zoom" jaguar of a bike. Does it loosen up on the torque and brakes after a bit of riding?