
Thanks for giving your take on the six-2-six sound. We did everything we could to get rid of any "drone", which I personally think there is none with baffles in. But everyone's ears are different, some are more sensitive than others. I have done a lot of riding and been to a lot of concerts, so I'm sure my hearing is pretty bad to begin with! haha

For those of you who think the "drone" is too loud, many members here have mentioned to me that restricting the crossover makes it leaps and bounds better.


Quote Originally Posted by billphoenix View Post
Still have to say these pipes sound great. I don't know what "drone" so many say they hear. Yes, they are bad-ass loud but not the "blat-blat" sound of VTwins.
You can tone them down with the baffles in, but they still are aggressive sounding - which is the whole idea.

I can hear my radio fine wearing a half helmet.

Around town 30-50 mph the sound is especially cool with a lower tone.

Once you hit 70-100+ they are higher pitched. That's the nature of the beast, higher revving and power.

There is no compression or power loss because they are slip-ons and we still have the Cats providing back pressure.

BUT if you don't like loud, these pipes ain't for you. Good luck tweaking them but they are a bad looking, bad sounding pipe - period.