Allow me to share my experience with manufactures.

When I have purchased products that were defective, wrong item, not as described or didn't meet my standards …… I immediately contact the supplier and address my issues, 99% of the businesses have worked with me to resolve and have resolved any issues simply because we worked together. Shit happens and not every transaction goes like we anticipated.

The last thing you want to do is make a public complaint about a company or product before you have exhausted all avenues to correct the issues. That's like shooting yourself in the foot, don't expect much service from the supplier after that.

There are always 2 sides to every story, I always like to remain neutral but will always give the customer the benefit of doubt. Being a businessman and dealt with all kinds of issues, I have learned that the customer is not always right, even customers make mistakes.

I try to resolve matters directly with the suppliers and it has WORKED for me, just my 2 cents.

Let's ride