Quote Originally Posted by stepbill View Post
No, unfortunally it's a principle thing. If he see's that his product is in demand and that there is a HUGH backlog on it, he should hire extra help to meet the demand. My only guess is that with less help, then he has more money for himself. The Steve Jobs of motorcycle seats. I just wish him well but he won't get my business.

Updated: Just ordered the Utopia backrest from Wingstuff.
Tis the season for seats! Coming from a motorcycle product manufacturing background it is not just as easy as hiring a few more folks unless you think there is no skill involved. Mustang has a high quality product and if you want the cover tight and the stitching straight it does take skill. As far as making money I would think the more seats they send out the door the more $$ they will make. Good company, good product but if you can't wait buy another seat. There is a reason why some restaurants have a line out the door and another across the street has no wait.