Here Ya Go…..
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Thread: Here Ya Go…..

  1. #1
    DarkSider#1617 Steve 0080's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Here Ya Go…..

    The Mexican maid asked for a pay increase.

    The wife was very upset about this, and decided to talk to her about the raise. She asked: "Now Maria, why do you want a pay increase?"

    Maria: "Well, Señora, there are tree reasons why I wanna increaze."

    "The first is that I iron better than you."
    Wife: "Who said you iron better than me?"
    Maria: "Jor huzban he say so."

    Wife: "Oh yeah?"

    Maria: "The second reason eez that I am a better cook than you."
    Wife: "Nonsense, who said you were a better cook than me?"
    Maria: "Jor hozban did."

    Wife, increasingly agitated: "Oh he did, did he?"

    Maria: "The third reason is that I am better at sex than you in the bed."

    Wife, really boiling now and through gritted teeth.

    Wife: "And did my husband say that as well?"
    Maria: "No Señora...."The gardener did."

    Wife: "So, how much do you want?"
    " Truth is often deemed rude, blunt and to the point which is why so few make their friend " Freddy Hayler ..352-267-1553 Sanford, FLA

  2. #2
    DarkSider#1617 Steve 0080's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    One more….

    Bubba was at the country club for his weekly round of golf. He began his round with an eagle on the first hole and a birdie on the second.

    On the third hole he had just scored his first ever hole-in-one when his cell phone rang...

    It was a doctor notifying him that his wife had just been in a accident and was in critical condition and in ICU.

    The man told the doctor to inform his wife where he was and that he'd be there as soon as possible.

    As he hung up he realized he was leaving what was shaping up to be his best ever round of golf.

    He decided to get in a couple of more holes before heading to the hospital. He ended up playing all eighteen, finishing his round shooting a personal best 61, shattering the club record by five strokes and beating his previous best game by more than 10. He was jubilant....

    Then he remembered his wife. Feeling guilty he dashed to the hospital.

    He saw the doctor in the corridor and asked about his wife's condition.

    The doctor glared at him and shouted, "You son-of-a-bitch! You went ahead and finished your round of golf didn't you! I hope you're proud of yourself!"

    "While you were out for the past four hours enjoying yourself at the country club your wife has been languishing in the ICU! It's just as well you went ahead and finished that round because it will be more than likely your last!

    "For the rest of her life she will require round the clock care and you will be her care giver!

    "She will need IV's; you will have to change her colostomy bag every 3 hours; she will have to be spoon fed 3 times a day and don't forget the hygiene care."

    The man broke down and sobbed.

    The doctor chuckled and said, "I'm just screwing with you. She's dead. What'd you shoot?"
    " Truth is often deemed rude, blunt and to the point which is why so few make their friend " Freddy Hayler ..352-267-1553 Sanford, FLA

  3. #3
    Don't mess with my 'pepper' Scotrod's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Houston Tejas
    Both good! Really liked the 1st one, perhaps because there are plenty of Senorita's here in Houston,,,,

  4. #4
    Senior Member F6B-RICH's Avatar
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    Montville & Toms River NJ
    You had me at the 3rd line of the first one Steve.Tree reasons and wanna increaze
    Ride it like you stole it

  5. #5
    Senior Member Westernbiker's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Phoenix, Arizona



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