Scottrod…That is a well thought out response and makes one think. I agree on all points. 1. I believe arming the people would have little effect against our military but a profound effect against or a deterrent against an invasion from another country. The concept of our military now is to take the fight to them, as opposed to fighting here! 2. Handouts and the kind of people living off Uncle Sugar will come to an end when there is a revolt within the country by the people who pay so others can sit on the porch. One way to help this would be if you do not own property you don’t get to vote!. It is a matter of contradiction. As is the current desire of some to raise the minimum wage to $10 per hour. While that sounds really nice…… right up to the point where you pay $7.00 for a Big Mac! Not sure where this country is heading…looks like socialism to me but time will tell. In the mean time do not say anything in your home or in private where someone may tape it and use the tape to strip you of all your possessions! Before anyone gets the panties wadded up, my point is THIS IS AMERICA! and to a point you should be able to hold any opinion no matter who it offends!