Whether or not those who own them don't think it's an old mans bike, it IS KNOWN AS an old mans bike!!!

Very few look at a 6 and says 'silverback',,, Full wing??? Yup, old mans bike.

Those that ride 'em may not feel that way, but,,, with the granny chair and all the assorted do-dads,,, folks look at 'em and say 'Look, here comes !', and 99% of the time, THEY ARE RIGHT!!!

Still don't believe me? OK,,, how many 'full wingers' do we have here right now that are too young/don't already have grandkids??? (crickets,,,,)

Nothing 'wrong' with getting older, but GL's are 100% known as old folks bikes and those that ride 'em should expect to be categorized as such.

Whether or not that bothers you is your decision.