Quote Originally Posted by Elroy View Post
To some degree, isn't that the mentality of some Harley riders? I've been told to "get a real bike" by some of those folk at gas stations and other gatherings when on my Kawi. :
Down here in Houston, there are simply too many 'other' bikes out and about to believe 'There's only one, and it's HD!'

It's very rare here to have anybody start blowing phases like that out in the wind,,, (At least not without the intent of HUMOR, andcertainly not in an attempt to be little some ones ride based purely on the manufacturer.)

Now, I have heard, and I can believe, that in some, eh, crap, how do I say it,,,,, in some places that may not be as modern, diversified, and generally accepting as Houston, that there may be a bit more of the of the 'full of hot air' mentality, but,,,

The neat part is,,, when ya get to my age, hearing chit like that just makes ya smile!!!