Responsible gun owners are the first to grieve the loss of innocent life to senseless shootings, and the last to "pull" unless absolutely necessary. The mass shootings, and most shootings for that matter, are by irresponsible people. The responsible people who carry probably have the most respect for the life-taking power of their weapons.

Here's where I'm afraid I'll get flamed. Having said that, and as a responsible gun owner myself, I am not opposed to some kind of REASONABLE (we can argue all day on what "reasonable" is) restrictions on obtaining a weapon, in an effort to keep them out of the hands of the nutjobs. I'm not sure what that would be, but I wish gun enthusiasts could keep from freaking out at the phrase "gun regulation" so that we can at least have a discussion (heated if necessary) about how me might go about keeping guns in the hands of the responsible and out of the hands of the nuts. Just don't shut down the discussion as a knee jerk reaction to the words "gun regulation." The goal is to fully protect the rights for responsible people, but not let the nuts tarnish that beloved right.