After reading some threads about using a USB device for music (Plug in the left saddle bag), I tried putting some music on a drive to see how it worked. I tried two different Verbatim 4gb drives and they did not work. I think the transfer rate was too slow. Music played but paused frequently. I did find a small 512k Corsair drive that worked but did not hold a lot so I went looking for something else.

I found an 8gb drive at Staples for $7 that works great! I loaded it up with music in folders. No extra subfolders. As you can see by this pic, there are 327 folders and I don't know how many songs. About 6.5gb of data all .mp3 files. So at least we know of one kind of drive that is compliant.

One last thing. I have a lot of folders with multiple songs in them (albums) and found that if you use track advance button on the handlebar, it advances one song. But if you push up on the track advance and hold it, it will skip to the next folder. Neat! Thought I'd pass my findings along for the good of the cause.

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