I bought the Midland Micro Mobil Portable CB and a 36" Firestick antenna to put on the Red Queen (last week, finally).
Here's some pics of the install on both.

The CB-holding bracket replaces the cover for the fluid on the clutch side, and the CB is velcroed and strapped (for quick removal) to that. (The "Ironman" strap is what I had--no intentions for riding that long in 24 hours).

The wiring was a bit of a pickle. I took off the cigarette lighter end on the CB side, and then reversed a pigtail that had the battery charger clamps on it which came with the Battery Tender. Now to use the CB, I plug it into the battery tender pigtail that goes directly to the battery. When I park, I unplug and put the bike on the tender.... no way I will run down the bike by forgetting to turn off the CB.

With the headset, there's a button that velcros to the clutch grip for transmission.

The antenna was another pickle to solve, because I wanted it vertical and not stressing any of the plastic body parts. So I drilled two holes in the MP3 rack and mounted two trimmed wood strapping metal things (after cutting off the four points on the ends and filing them down). I drilled the 1/2" mounting hole for the antenna through both of these. I bent them to have the antenna vertical off the end of the rack and curved to snug fit on the underside. No interference with the rack's ability to hold stuff, and the antenna coax is underneath and out of sight, held in place with blu-tack (until I can find something more permanent, like silicone adhesive).

Purists might scoff at my solution to having a CB on the bike, but I'm kinda proud of doing it all my self. And yes, I even matched the SWRs to have a clean signal 1.2:1. And dang it, it WORKS.
Attachment 8076