Belly pan on it's way
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Thread: Belly pan on it's way

  1. #1
    Senior Member Injun Joe's Avatar
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    Belly pan on it's way

    This forum is great -- it really is. (Despite the harrassment I get for being an Indian lover.) It's funny though. A couple days ago, I didn't know what a belly pan was let alone thinking about it as high on my list of mods. Yet this morning I have one on order -- the Show Chrome black anodized (Oxymoron alert.)

    The "cheap insurance" part just makes too much sense not to do it. Seems dumb Honda didn't include a more stylish, integrated version out the door for that reason alone.

    But what I'm really curious about and hoping for is the cross wind help. Got caught in 50+ mph winds twice this weekend and it's not fun riding especially if the wind is constantly shifting as it was Monday.

    Anyway, thanks everyone. It's really great to have a resource and community like this forum. I found something similar when I had my M109R, but have been missing it ever since. It's great to glean from everyone else's experiences.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Elroy's Avatar
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    A somewhat local bike shop near me is having an Indian demo day on the 16th & 17th. I'd like to go and try one out but I imagine those kind of events get very crowded.

    As to the belly pan, I have one, but not installed. My advice, you have to pull very hard on the exhaust cover to get it out far enough to slip the pan around the bolt behind it. I tried on several occasions and each time just never pulled hard enough. I took the nuts off the cover so many times to try to get the belly pan on that I eventually broke the weld on one of the bolts. And luck would have it, that it was that time that I got the exhaust cover out enough, and now can't put the damn thing on.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Texas TC's Avatar
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    I have had mine over a year. I like the protection properties of the pan. As far as cross wind, I don't think anything will help with 50 mph winds. However, you should feel a difference in moderately windy conditions because it covers the wind catching void under the bike and adds aerodynamic improvements to the design. I envy those of you who now have a black pan choice. The aftermarket guys had not caught up to F6B black accent demand when I bought mine so it is natural aluminum in color.

    I had no issues during installation. Four fasteners loosened, press pan into place and re-tighten bolts. Your finished and protected.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Injun Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elroy View Post
    A somewhat local bike shop near me is having an Indian demo day on the 16th & 17th. I'd like to go and try one out but I imagine those kind of events get very crowded.

    As to the belly pan, I have one, but not installed. My advice, you have to pull very hard on the exhaust cover to get it out far enough to slip the pan around the bolt behind it. I tried on several occasions and each time just never pulled hard enough. I took the nuts off the cover so many times to try to get the belly pan on that I eventually broke the weld on one of the bolts. And luck would have it, that it was that time that I got the exhaust cover out enough, and now can't put the damn thing on.
    As far as Indian demos, you might be surprised. We've demoed them as well as Victories at Sturgis two years running now which I would think would be their biggest crowds. Their staff is very organized and the line moves along quickly. Don't expect a bike anything like the F6B, but if you're open minded and like a variety of motorcycles... well, I do still love them stylistically and also what they represent historically. But I'm getting more thrilled with the F6B every time I ride it. I'd love to have them both and several others besides.

    Sorry to hear about your belly pan situation. I'm hoping I'll be one of the lucky ones and that it will slip right on. If I can't get it the first time, I'll learn from you're experience and have my dealer do it instead of risking breaking something. He still owes me my $1,000 of addons as some were backordered, so I imagine I can get him to install that pan while he's doing the other work if it comes to that.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Injun Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texas TC View Post
    I have had mine over a year. I like the protection properties of the pan. As far as cross wind, I don't think anything will help with 50 mph winds. However, you should feel a difference in moderately windy conditions because it covers the wind catching void under the bike and adds aerodynamic improvements to the design. I envy those of you who now have a black pan choice. The aftermarket guys had not caught up to F6B black accent demand when I bought mine so it is natural aluminum in color.

    I had no issues during installation. Four fasteners loosened, press pan into place and re-tighten bolts. Your finished and protected.
    I'm not expecting it to negate 50mph winds, but if it helps even a little, it's better than nothing. Hey, I'll be lowering the center of gravity just a smidge, right? That's got to help a minuscule amount right there.

  6. #6
    Senior Member XKnight's Avatar
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    Belly pan was one of my first add ons thanks to this forum. This forum can get very expensive even though it's free. I had to use my trusty rubber mallet to get the belly pan into place, but overall it was an easy process. It definitely didn't just slip right on though.

    Can't argue with the cheap insurance/protection argument. I can't say I noticed a difference in stability in crosswinds, but that's not something that has been a problem for me.

  7. #7
    Don't mess with my 'pepper' Scotrod's Avatar
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    Had a the SC belly pans on both bikes. Removed them a month or so ago. Mine was scratched to heck on both edges.

    No scratches on anything under my bike now,,, except for the underside of the boards,,,

    Overflow Tank Cover? Got that taken care of with a little 24 GA sheet metal.


    We've been in Waynesville SC since departing Franklin on Monday,,,

    Saw an actual INDIAN dealership right up the road,,,

    We've ridden by it at least a dozen times now,,, And that's all I'm gonna say 'bout that!!!

  8. #8
    Senior Member Injun Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XKnight View Post
    Belly pan was one of my first add ons thanks to this forum. This forum can get very expensive even though it's free. I had to use my trusty rubber mallet to get the belly pan into place, but overall it was an easy process. It definitely didn't just slip right on though.

    Can't argue with the cheap insurance/protection argument. I can't say I noticed a difference in stability in crosswinds, but that's not something that has been a problem for me.
    It's really not a "problem" per se on the F6B for me either -- not like the Triumph Trophy which thought it was a kite or sail or something. I literally stopped a couple times because I couldn't keep the bike in the lane.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigcabdaddy View Post

    A couple days ago, I didn't know what a belly pan was let alone thinking about it as high on my list of mods. Yet this morning I have one on order --

    The "cheap insurance" part just makes too much sense not to do it. Seems dumb Honda didn't include a more stylish, integrated version out the door for that reason alone.

    But what I'm really curious about and hoping for is the cross wind help. Got caught in 50+ mph winds twice this weekend and it's not fun riding especially if the wind is constantly shifting as it was Monday.
    If you're getting blown around on an 800lb bike, there is no way a belly pan will change that.

    I suppose 'blown around' is a relative term. One man's tornado is another man's breeze.

    Why don't you post your 'list of mods'? I'd love to see what kind of mischief you plan to get into next.

    P.S. Do you drive a cab? I think you should change your handle to Indian Joe!
    Re-tired, or Re-tard. Depends on your attitude.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Injun Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by motoman View Post
    If you're getting blown around on an 800lb bike, there is no way a belly pan will change that.

    I suppose 'blown around' is a relative term. One man's tornado is another man's breeze.

    Why don't you post your 'list of mods'? I'd love to see what kind of mischief you plan to get into next.

    P.S. Do you drive a cab? I think you should change your handle to Indian Joe!
    I just might have to run with the Indian Joe thing! (InjunJoe is what it will be.) I did drive a cab for 8 years and hence the name. Now I drive for a private car service.

    You nail it on "blown around." Like I say, blown around for me would be the Triumph Trophy. Opposite extreme in my experience would be the M109R where you had to call ahead for a reservation to make a turn. The movement of the F6B is the price you pay for how great it handles is what I figure. But a little more stability in Colorado (and Wyoming!) winds while going in a straight line would be nice if it can be managed.

    Been working on that list of mods. Helibars are at the top of the list. I want something more like a pulled back drag bar. Stock just cocks your wrists too much for my wide body unless I dig my elbows into my ribs unnaturally. Throttlemeister and possibly a Cramp Buster. The mini boards that lower the peg position 3/4" and can be tilted probably are next. Just learned about the MeanCycle seat mod earlier today. Could very well be talking to them about modding the stock seat when it comes time for that unless some new options come out. What I'm thinking I want at the moment is a narrowed "tunnel" like an old school bike. I don't ride two up -- wife rides her own. Last time she rode "b*tch" as she calls it was because she got drunk. I like being able to change position by sliding back and forth.

    I should say I've already address the windshield -- Clearview 11" recurve. My $1000 of addons will be running lights, heated grips, center stand, bag liners. All that has yet to be installed.

    By the time all that gets done, I figure I'll be way past due for a paint job. Probably will go with some version of metallic/candy/metal flake black. But British racing green with a gold pin stripe might be the way I go too as I love that color from when I was a kid watching formula one. Seems a little weird on a Japanese bike though.

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