So far after looking at the new specs,I am content with my '13 black standard. May be just my twisted personality but after a ride from Denver to Madison this summer,an attempt at an Iron Butt(25 hours,maybe next time) and endless 2 and 300 mile shorties I still don't care about or miss Cruise. I have loved the short windshield,when I get serious I'll start looking for a black one,Figured out long ago not to park even my Hurricane facing down hill,still have done it twice on the F6 and managed to push it out, but dont want to have to do THAT again,inch at a time front brake,push.
I do like the black pipes and that is on my wish list,however the pipes I have were installed by a previous owner and I dont think I'll trade my chrome for the black until I figure out how he got that growl mine has.
All said, the new bikes have a few nice things,but not near enough for me to even think of trading,assuming I had the difference in cost.
I love this bike as is, no regrets....