Quote Originally Posted by F6BPDX View Post
Thanks for the welcome guys.

Motosport happened to still have 1 red F6B which was their demo, coincidentally the same bike I had sat on 6 months prior.

Funny thing is...I just happen to have ridden THAT Red F6B...on April 6th, as their demo bike, and I ended up buying a all Black standard model, and rode it home that day. I did NOT go to the dealership to buy an F6B. I went there to buy a demo ST1300 ABS, which was a 2012 model that was part of the Honda demo fleet. They had a very low price on several of the demo ST1300's, and I drove 125 miles from home to buy one. After a two (2) mile ride on the ST1300 ABS, I returned to the dealership, handed them the bike back, and said...hell no ! It reminded me of why I no longer ride that style of bike, or in that riding position. As I was getting ready to drive away, the owner came running out, and asked me if I would please test ride the Red F6B for them, as...they were sitting on six of them, and no one had bought any yet...or even test ridden one. Since I was all dressed for riding...in the light rain...I said..sure..I will give it a test ride. (I was familiar with the new F6B, and had gone out of my way to see them at the local dealers)

After another two mile test ride..but this time on the F6B, I returned to the dealer and bought a new Black standard model.

Now...YOU have the Red demo model I test rode.

BTW...where did you get that white or shiny batwing sticker for the back of your helmet????? I would bet that a lot of us would buy those and puit them on the back of our helmets. Please tell me where .........