What a story. The hand of God is evident in placing you, KJ, and two other highly trained first responders in the right place at the right time. Ed, as well as those who love and care for him, were blessed by your presence. Thanks to you for what you do.

This past May I was on a ride with my church group and experienced a somewhat similar situation. While crossing a reservoir dam, a young lady took too long a look at the sights to her right and did not see the slight left turn near the end of the dam. She impacted the guard rail and was thrown back onto the roadway. Her injuries were severe and we were miles from medical help. Once again, God provided. We had a trauma nurse riding in our group and she did all the right stuff for the 40-45 minutes it took for an ambulance to arrive. Time was running out on Michelle when the ambulance got there with the desperately needed fluids. Life Flight arrived about 15 minutes later. After a long stay in ICU, the hospital, and a nursing home, Michelle is now getting around a bit and it seems like she will have a good but not total recovery. This young lady was an excellent rider on a VTX 1300 who gives us a good lesson when she speaks of what the moment of inattention cost her.

Incidentally, the area of this crash has now been blackened by the horrible King Fire here in California.

Again, KJ, thanks and kudos for your life saving efforts.