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Thread: Need deer protection!!

  1. #31
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    How do you prevent other motorcycles from jumping in front of you ?

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  2. #32
    Senior Member Pap's Avatar
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  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Rockledge, Fl, USA

    Deer Whistles

    I have used deer whistles, do they work, I honestly don't know. What I do know is one of mine fell off in my garage and I tried to blow threw way as it was full of sand and probably bugs. So "if" you use them, keep them washed out....but then how are you going to test them cause you cant hear them anyway!!
    I agree with several other posts, at night, on country roads, get behind a car or truck at a safe distance and use them as a shield. I ride out in the remote country in central florida in the late evenings before dard and there are a lot of deer and hogs but I ride about 35-40 on two lane roads just to relax so I don't sweat hitting a deer or hog. But if you have to be someplace, get on the tail of a car or truck late evening or night why take a chance, not worth it..

  4. #34
    Senior Member MSGT-R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by six2go View Post
    .. With the rut starting here, just this week alone, I've had two buck walk right in front of me while looking at me the entire time. They are getting to their "stupid" season now.
    When are they NOT in their "stupid season"?

    Two months ago, my husband had two encounters in the mid-morning with stupid deer in the middle of US-285! They were almost close enough to reach out and slap them.. they were aware of the big red wing the whole time.
    Please don't spook the road-sheep.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Queensland, Australia
    A similar product is sold in Australia as a "Shoo Roo" with pretty much the same sort of success as already mentioned (in case you ever get a mob of Kangaroos suddenly appearing on your roads).

    A guy I know reckons he's got the Roos worked out and if he travels at 120km/h (what's that...about 70mph) he's past them before they try and work out what's happening.

    BUT.....he is driving a 3 Tonne vehicle that belongs to the Government and is impervious to floods, hail, tall gutters and stumps (apparently) and of course Kangaroos .

  6. #36
    Senior Member
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    I will probably have to get another set of the whistles for my F6. I have a new set but remember scanning the mounting instructions ,didnt put them on my Hurricane, found them again but dont have the instructions(d'uh)
    My experience though, riding at night is that when I have seen deer, I blow the horn and they run away.
    My plan on that since I love 'my' mountains at night is to find the best and brightest lights for the lower cowl, install the whistles,stay alert and yeah,keep riding....

  7. #37
    Senior Member fast eddie's Avatar
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    deer alert

    I also drive trucks for a living hitting a deer is like the lotto and have seen many vechicles with alerts on them hit deer. Sorry don't feel they really work.

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