I've been a Chiropractic Physician for 36 years. I am an employer of 2 doctors, myself & staff of 7. The Obammanation has driven so many dr.'s from many professions out of practice never to return. e.g. My cost of doing business exceeds what medicare pays & docs from other professions are in the same insane loose/loose boat. e. g. Medicare pays $26 for an office visit & we are mandated under law to accept that & can charge no more....BUT it costs me $36 in overhead cost before I even make a dime. That's means paying out $10 every time we see a medicare patient.
Now business is very simple..you make a living after overhead expenses or you do not...watch what happens to ins premiums & deductibles this next 2 years. I'm going into early retirement because in the good old USA the feds & state steals 46% of what I make. King O' has no clue when it comes to running a business & 9 people are depending on you...& those 9 jobs will be lost when I retire.

The website debacle..it wasn't supposed to work. The purpose of O'care is to make insurances companies fail leaving only one who can save us....good old bankruptt /corrupt / who needs congress? fed gov...it will be just like the "top shelf care" the veterans are getting that's been on the news lately.
Stealing from hard working people & giving it to just as many people who won't work. Oh yea, & that pesky gov debt thing...ahh just print more money~!