Gun fire and death in Canada
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Thread: Gun fire and death in Canada

  1. #1
    DarkSider#1617 Steve 0080's Avatar
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    " Truth is often deemed rude, blunt and to the point which is why so few make their friend " Freddy Hayler ..352-267-1553 Sanford, FLA

  2. #2
    Senior Member F6B1911's Avatar
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    Canada provides justice for criminal activity, that guy isn't getting off on any technicality for this event.
    Now, if this happened in Detroit, it would be another story.

  3. #3
    Senior Member cosborn's Avatar
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    So sad to here, our thoughts are with every Canadian at this time. We are not missing out in Au either, couple of weeks ago a young feller who the cops had been watching and trying, with the family to help were stabbed when he requested a meeting with them, he was killed of course, I feel sad for the family.


  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Terror at home is everyone's problem but there is a solution

    Quote Originally Posted by cosborn View Post
    So sad to here, our thoughts are with every Canadian at this time. We are not missing out in Au either, couple of weeks ago a young feller who the cops had been watching and trying, with the family to help were stabbed when he requested a meeting with them, he was killed of course, I feel sad for the family.

    It is sad to hear of servicemen and women who die for us, whether it is in Iraq, Afganistan, Somalia or at home, but we must remain vigilant and remember that in America we are protected by the 2nd amendment. Make sure you vote next month to maintain your right to be armed and safe. Our brothers and sisters in Canada and Australia do not enjoy this right and so they can expect more violence to be directed at defenseless citizens by mongrel jihadis and wannabe criminals. Arm yourself before someone takes away your right (or your life) because they will not be deterred by gun control laws.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dfinkelsteinmd View Post
    It is sad to hear of servicemen and women who die for us, whether it is in Iraq, Afganistan, Somalia or at home, but we must remain vigilant and remember that in America we are protected by the 2nd amendment. Make sure you vote next month to maintain your right to be armed and safe. Our brothers and sisters in Canada and Australia do not enjoy this right and so they can expect more violence to be directed at defenseless citizens by mongrel jihadis and wannabe criminals. Arm yourself before someone takes away your right (or your life) because they will not be deterred by gun control laws.
    It is sad, very sad. More guns are not the solution, that stance has not worked in America and it won't work anywhere else, just makes it easier to obtain better weapons. Better intelligence and a cohesive strategy between all of the relevant agencies is required.

  6. #6
    Senior Member SmallPasture's Avatar
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    O'Canada! Prayers to yall!

    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    It is sad, very sad. More guns are not the solution, that stance has not worked in America and it won't work anywhere else, just makes it easier to obtain better weapons. Better intelligence and a cohesive strategy between all of the relevant agencies is required.
    It's sad no matter where it happens. Prayers out to the soldiers family and Canada as a whole.

    But I gotta ask. Wasn't a it good guy w/ a gun that kept this bad guy w/ a gun from killing how many more? I realize he was a Sargent of Arms thus he was armed but, had he not been there after the terrorist walked some 200 yards after killing the solider how many more lives would he have taken?
    "Great Britain's a great country, but it's not an idea ... that's how we see [America] around the world, one of the greatest ideas in human history." Bono

  7. #7
    Senior Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmallPasture View Post
    It's sad no matter where it happens. Prayers out to the soldiers family and Canada as a whole.

    But I gotta ask. Wasn't a it good guy w/ a gun that kept this bad guy w/ a gun from killing how many more? I realize he was a Sargent of Arms thus he was armed but, had he not been there after the terrorist walked some 200 yards after killing the solider how many more lives would he have taken?
    I'm not against all weapons, just against all weapons being freely available to the untrained. Countries with the strictest gun control have lower gun related incidents and having been privileged to have traveled extensively and also lived in countries where guns are restricted and where guns are freely available, I have always felt much safer in the restricted countries.

  8. #8
    Member MidKnight's Avatar
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    Yet another muslim carrying out orders from his Caliphate.

    In 1952
    President Truman
    Established one day a year as a
    "National Day of Prayer."
    In 1988
    President Reagan
    Designated the
    First Thursday in May of each year as
    The National Day of Prayer.
    In June 2007
    Presidential Candidate Barack Obama
    Declared that the USA
    "Was no longer a
    Christian nation."
    In 2009
    President Obama
    Canceled the
    21st annual National Day
    Of Prayer ceremony
    at the White
    House under the ruse
    Of "not wanting to offend anyone"
    BUT... On September 25, 2009
    From 4 AM until 7 PM, A National Day of Prayer
    FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION Was Held on Capitol Hill,
    Beside the White House.
    There were over 50,000 Muslims In D.C. That day.

    I guess it Doesn't matter If "Christians"
    Are offended by this event - We obviously
    Don 't count as "anyone" Anymore.

    Now he is encouraging schools to teach the
    qua-ran for extra credit in schools, while they cannot
    even talk about the bible, God or salute the American Flag.
    The direction this country is headed
    Should strike fear in the heart of every Christian,
    Especially knowing that the Muslim religion
    believes that if Christians cannot be Converted,
    they should be annihilated.

  9. #9
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren View Post
    I'm not against all weapons, just against all weapons being freely available to the untrained. Countries with the strictest gun control have lower gun related incidents and having been privileged to have traveled extensively and also lived in countries where guns are restricted and where guns are freely available, I have always felt much safer in the restricted countries.
    I'll buy you a one way ticket to our country. You have 2 cities to select from, the 2 most strict gun control law cities are Chicago or Washington DC. You must live within the "safest" neighborhoods where murder is the game that the whole street plays.

    I also have and continue to travel all around the world. I can tell you that CRIMINALS have access to any weapon they want. Cash talks and bullshit walks .

    When you do move to one of the above cities, allow me to place a sign on your front yard that says " No guns inside this home"

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Darren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    I'll buy you a one way ticket to our country. You have 2 cities to select from, the 2 most strict gun control law cities are Chicago or Washington DC. You must live within the "safest" neighborhoods where murder is the game that the whole street plays.

    I also have and continue to travel all around the world. I can tell you that CRIMINALS have access to any weapon they want. Cash talks and bullshit walks .

    When you do move to one of the above cities, allow me to place a sign on your front yard that says " No guns inside this home"
    The country stats for gun violence speak for themselves do the research before you pull the bullshit card with only an opinion to back you up.

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