Phantom don't waste your breath because apparently the people who are commenting didn't read or didn't understand what they were reading. Scotrod didn't replace the word Muslim with Jew because my focus wasn't on the Muslims, it was on the terrorists, who were hiding inside the Muslim enclaves. And if you (from the original post)"Put a permanent military presence inside these communities and the good citizens of these areas will feel safe because they can't be threatened or intimidated by the radicals..." because then you would have (from the original post) "route out current and potential terrorists". That was the focus, not the law abiding Muslim citizens inside these communities, and once you restore order they (from the original post) "can't be threatened or intimidated by the radicals since they are just as much hostage of these same radicals as the rest. Once you restore order these citizens will trust you that you are not the enemy, which they are brainwashed to believe." Scotrod then went ahead and replaced terrorists with the word Jew. Like I said previously, if you don't understand what you're reading I will explain it.