12 murders because of a PENCIL, simply senseless - Page 2
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Thread: 12 murders because of a PENCIL, simply senseless

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    I was surprised to find a comment on this matter here. That proves once again that this community is great, let's keep it this way...
    As a born french, asia lover, new zealand citizen, now living in canada I thought I'd share a bit. shortly though...

    We hear every day about massacre around the world, these massacres only resonates when you feel concerned... I grew up in the Charlie Hebdo generation with their sense of humor, disrespect but most importantly their freedom of expression... I feel so sad that guys like Wolinsky Cabus end their lives like this...

    It's about time for the highest ranking officials of Islam to send a clear message to everyone which should be relayed in any mosque, Islam isn't terrorism! otherwise soon ... any jobless kid unhappy with his life, having no future or passion whatsoever will turn to this new found way of life: anger. That is so easy to promote by Djihad's recruiters... if the message isn't relayed strongly, soon the confusion will increase and people will soon think that terrorism=islam=arabic ...

    I understand how easy it can be to become upset with any government... terrorism doesn't make history ! otherwise native indians should kill all americans and canadians, mexicans should kill spanishs...

    What courage does it take to dress with a bullet proof jacket and kill unarmed people... ?? So to all potential Djiadists: be a man, be courageous, strong, refuse violence, study and act to make a difference in other people's life. Follow the exemple of Madiba and Gandhi, forgive and bring people together instead of using your anger to solve your directionless pathetic lives.

    Not sure this is the place to express ideas here ... but for once... I did.
    Take care buddies riders! Can't wait for spring, I miss the sound of my bike....

  2. #12
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    This is not about radical Islam only . The all world is messed up and global anger is growing . We live in reality , where children are killing own parents ( and vice versa ) , spouses mis-distrust turns love into mutual hate followed by dramatic events , disrespect for authorities is a norm , abuse of minorities , or ethnic cleansing is a daily fact , unjust wars destroys all cultures , political hypocrisy became "the law" , power of few serves them for the mega profit only and inequality of wealth distribution ( usually national treasuries ) diminish morality for the rest . Values of ethics disappear forever. I'm always trying to find the cause of all of it and ask the question : "Who Start the Fire" and "Are We really so Human" ( as we claim for Superiority Purpose ) ... and what is that anyway ?

  3. #13
    Senior Member valkmc's Avatar
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    Brainwashing....it is seen through out history. The crusades, Hitler, etc. Once the powers to be get a large segment of the population to buy into their BS bad things can happen.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Darren's Avatar
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    It is truly a sad event.

    Religious freedom should only be allowed where it does not forcibly impact the freedom of others.

  5. #15
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    Another view, not necessarily mine:

    The biggest prank on humanity is religion, caused by alien visitation.
    If you can't explain something, it's god's doing.

    Do I believe it?
    t's not out of the realm of possibility.

  6. #16
    Senior Member sshake1905's Avatar
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    some very sensitive posts today on this forum remind me how fortunate we are to live in democratic nations where our personal views and opinions are voiced without the fear of negative results or threats....

    Spirit Riders mention of the 90% + of the 1.7 billion Muslims in this world who are slowly becoming the possible victims of the lunatic fringe of their own religion....

    those 1.6 million Muslims, who want to live in a modern world of compromise and compassion....instead of a world of confrontation and chaos....must gather together to shun and control the threat of radical terrorists within their own ranks....it seems the only way to turn this tide of terror.....

    If Muslims step up to lead this fight against there own, it will be justified....If Christians, Jews and other religions lead the fight, as they as now, things will continue to get worse....

    sure...we must defend ourselves, do all we can to prevent this terror, respond correctly and quickly to acts of terror and murder....but...

    this threat of terror will exist until the day that the majority of Muslims decide to act and lead..

    We must all remember not to stereotype the mass of any group of humans because for the actions of its lunatic fringes on the left or the right

    my opinion only...with hopes it offends no one...

  7. #17
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    There are people who use a religion as a vehicle to carry out horrific acts against their fellow man. They are not Muslims in spirit, only in their warped minds. 1.7 billion with a "b" Muslims and maybe .001 percent are radicalized to the point of committing these horrific crimes, maybe. These animals rape, starve, torture and murder their own kind under the guise of purification in the twisted way they interpret the scriptures.The other 1,698,300,0000 go about their lives like the rest of us. Let's not hold a whole religion responsible for a microscopic few. France decided to allow Muslim communities to police themselves and would not even go in there so it was a prescription for disaster. The extremists infiltrated and had a field day, unabated, and this was the result. This was a political correctness decision that ALWAYS backfires. As far as the Crusades, the reason for Pope Urban II to call the first crusade, and take back the Holy Land, was because the few radical Muslims who occupied it would not allow Christians to visit the Holy sites and to free them from Muslim rule.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Old Ryder's Avatar
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    People on this planet all want the exact same things for the most part--- a decent job, food, clean water, to have somebody to love and also be loved. Most people are not bad. Most people are not out to harm anybody, but it only takes a few bad examples to destroy the image of a lot of good people.

    History ebbs and flows.......................... The Catholic church 800 years ago is todays ISIS. Humans due ungodly things in the name of God. It gives the true God a bad name. He is watching and I promise you he is unhappy. Least we forget, it was the highest religous leaders that had Jesus Christ put to death. This is really nothing new---just a different generation.
    "Life is hard. Harder when you are stupid"-- John Wayne[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

  9. #19
    Senior Member unsub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Ryder View Post

    History ebbs and flows.......................... The Catholic church 800 years ago is todays ISIS. Humans due ungodly things in the name of God.
    That is a good observation. The humans that perpetrate these terrible acts against other human beings are/were simply murderous animals and societal misfits to begin with. They simply discovered a place at some point in their lives, that would "allow" them act out their anti social doings under the protection of religion.

    Ah, good ol' religion, a convenient cover for all shapes and sizes of bad people.

    Hey, and if you're not religious before you commit your bad deeds, you can always conveniently convert to the religion of your choosing to minimize in the eyes of your peers anyway, the bad things you've done.

    God has been asleep at the switch I'm afraid.

  10. #20
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    The only way to cure this is with overwhelming, military bombardment not delegated by the rules of engagement from a political civilian but complete absolute destruction and systematic routing of present and potential terrorists by unshackled military leadership, in other words Crusade the bastards.

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