The BT 45 was mounted today and my inital impressions are that this was a good move. In my quick 75 mile run today I did not see twisties, just a variety of speeds from Interstate on down. This is a smooth running tire!

Can't believe I ever debated which direction to mount it, there are some in depth post out there that made me think about actually running it backwards (scientific data no less ). In the end mike neal suggested he was pleased mounting his the correct direction to swipe water. That rang true and I followed suit.

Currently running 41 lbs, 2 oz of Dyna beads with the lead sinker removed. Before mounting the BT 45, during decell I had a slight 40 something mph wobble, it was most noticable with both hands off the bars. It's gone. As soon as I can get in some Spring runs up and down the Blueridge Parkway I'll report back.

Next for consideration is nitrogen for both. Thanks all for your input, I'm pleased with my decision and appreciate your help.