Quote Originally Posted by glryder98 View Post
I may not be an alien but I am a darksider. I have just 3 questions to all the naysayers. How is it that you can come up with all of the reasons why you THINK you shouldn't run a ct on a motorcycle? If you have never ridden a bike with a ct on it. How can you say what is safe and what is not? How can you have an opinion with no knowledge of riding a motorcycle with a ct other than what other non darksiders have said? I may think your an idiot but don't open your mouth and prove it to me.

If you are so eager to learn and answer to your own questions ( without calling yourself "an idiot" ) , simply buy or borrow from the nearest library fantastic book , written by Vittore Cossalter "MOTORCYCLE DYNAMICS" . I believe it will help you.
(you may get lucky and get Second Edition , explaining differences between front and rear motorcycle tire and related SAFETY)
I can provide many more titles of great techno books to read ... ( if of course be interested in them at all ? ).