Picked up my 6 in December, a left over 13 red standard, and have only been able to put about 50 miles in so far. I’m a peg scrapper at heart, although I’ve never gotten a knee down. Nothing squidly here. On the street I’m quick enough to keep all my track day junky riding buddies interested when they are following me thru the mountains. Been riding the Smokies and the Gap since before it was the “Dragons Tail.” I’m coming off a 98 Valkyrie standard. (Never thought I’d say this out loud, but I think I do miss the chrome.) I’ve got two VFR’s (a 98 and a 2000) and a 250 ninja for the girlfriend in the stable now. Previously owned 3 V-65 Sabres, a GPZ 550, and started out 35 yrs ago on a little 305 kawi CSR. I picked up the valky because I wanted a big comfy scoot that I could ride every day and would still hold it’s own in the curves. From the first picture I saw of the 6 I wanted one, and I’ve chased enough Wings through the mountains to know what it is capable of.

I’ve been lurking around here on the board for a few weeks and have really learned a lot about what I think I may want to do as far as mods, but I need some seat time to get the wish list sorted. Riding season here in Cincy won’t be for a few months. Sorry I got so wordy, now the questions:

What drags after the pegs? And how deep into the pegs before things start to get out of hand? We all know that being smooth with the inputs and picking a good line early is the best way to be quick, especially with something this big and heavy. The Valk was fine on the pegs for a bit, but the next thing down was a hard, seat cover enema inducing, trip across the double yellow. Only got there once and learned what the limit was. The real question is how much cushion is left after the pegs touch? Or is that a line I don’t want to ever get to?

And BTW I’m pretty sure the red ones are faster---could Ducati and Ferrari been wrong all this time!