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Thread: there goes the neighborhood

  1. #51
    DarkSider#1617 Steve 0080's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    It has NOTHING to do with where you live,work, or play...bad things happen to good people... EVERYDAY!!!
    " Truth is often deemed rude, blunt and to the point which is why so few make their friend " Freddy Hayler ..352-267-1553 Sanford, FLA

  2. #52
    Steve you know that about now some people are starting to think and reevaluate. Don't they have home invasions in Canada? Don't they have murders? Is no one ever robbed? Why can't it happen to you Bird? And buddy I'm not trying to be mean. I'm dead serious. It only happens to other people is a myth.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    Steve you know that about now some people are starting to think and reevaluate. Don't they have home invasions in Canada? Don't they have murders? Is no one ever robbed? Why can't it happen to you Bird? And buddy I'm not trying to be mean. I'm dead serious. It only happens to other people is a myth.
    Of course anything's possible.
    I don't live my life in fear. Shit like you describe happens so rarely that people up here don't even think about it, much less fixate on it. I don't know anyone who has ever been mugged, suffered a home invasion, or been assaulted. We do have gang activity up here, but they prey only on their own. Our police service is exemplary in my opinion. They are there when we need them. Of course they don't respond immediately to low priority incidents, but if a call comes in about shots fired or weapons (knives or guns) visible, they are all over it immediately. It certainly helps that we don't have to worry about every Tom, Dick, & Harry carrying a handgun under their jacket. The few illegal handguns used by gang members only come out at 3am when turf is being disputed, and that's even rarer than going from an F6B back to an HD.
    I'm sorry, but this just isn't a problem or issue where I live. My biggest concern about ever going downtown in my city is finding a parking spot or being solicited by a panhandler.
    It is what it is. I guess I'm fortunate to live in a very non-violent society. It sounds like most of you in the US can't fathom what I'm saying, just as I can't fathom needing to carry a weapon around on my person to feel safe.

  4. #54
    You're right Bird. It happens daily around here. I live 30 miles south of St Louis. 46 years in business at this location had to take my gun out twice. Not bad. But yeah wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't like it is. Ferguson is only 40 miles up the road and I'm sure you have heard of that. To us it seems normal and your situation seems ludicrous. Good luck my friend.

  5. #55
    Oh , and Bird , I don't even go downtown anymore without backup. That translates to one of my friends that carries and is competent.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    Oh , and Bird , I don't even go downtown anymore without backup. That translates to one of my friends that carries and is competent.
    That sounds like the Wild West.

    Here's another tidbit that will floor you.
    I have never seen a handgun that hasn't been holstered to the hip of a law enforcement person or bank delivery armoured guard. I don't even know what it's like to hold a handgun.
    Long guns, however, are a very different story. Owned and used hunting rifles since I was a kid. I got rid of my last rifle once my first child was born.

  7. #57
    Senior Member Elroy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post
    That sounds like the Wild West.

    Here's another tidbit that will floor you.
    I have never seen a handgun that hasn't been holstered to the hip of a law enforcement person or bank delivery armoured guard. I don't even know what it's like to hold a handgun.
    Long guns, however, are a very different story. Owned and used hunting rifles since I was a kid. I got rid of my last rifle once my first child was born.

    I don't know anyone who has ever been mugged, suffered a home invasion, or been assaulted.
    I know I'm late to the party here, but wanted to interject if I may, and I do not intend to open the 100th can-of-worms that're now crawling on this thread.

    But think of it like this Bird; do you have a fire extinguisher in the house? Do you wear a seatbelt when you drive? Do you lock your house/car when you leave? I imagine you probably do most of those, but is it because you PLAN on getting in a car wreck, or your house going up in flames, or someone burglarizing your house or car? Or is it just a preCAUTION? That is why I arm myself when I leave my home, and why I'm usually armed even when I am home. It is a precaution against ill-intending people, just as a seatbelt is a precaution against impaired, distracted, or just plain bad drivers. Bad things happen to good people every minute of every day, be it a head-on collison with some idiot, or being held at gunpoint. You say you don't know anyone who's ever been mugged, suffered a home invasion, or been assaulted. But I'm sure you know someone who's been hurt in a car accident that wasn't their fault, or had something stolen from them, or had their house burn down (I unfortunately know 2 families who've suffered such that event). My point is, you know good people who've been wronged, and is proof that, no matter how "rare", terrible things do happen to people who don't deserve it. The best thing we can do, is prepare for those events, take the precautions.

    And in a previous post you mentioned you do not live your life in fear. Well, neither do I. I have a means of response to equally life-threatening force, and therefore do not live in fear. To say the US is full of violent criminals, and citizens who nervously clutch to their pistol's grip is ridiculous to say the least. However, for you to put so much faith and trust into LE, and the good-nature of the population, and think that Canadian gang activity only harms gang members, is, imho, looking through the rosiest of rose-colored glasses.

    "I'd rather always have my firearm, and never need it, than to need it, and never have it." I hope you, or anyone else for that matter, never finds themselves in such a situation.

    I have a question though, what did having a child have to do with getting rid of your rifles?

  8. #58
    "An armed society is a polite society". Jeff Cooper

  9. #59
    Senior Member
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    Here in Australia we look after our own. We have a health system that everyone can access for free. Yeah like a heart transplant for free. Hospital for free nursing for free, unemployment assistance for free and addiction for free.
    My father was a person of addiction, not his fault, he came home from Korea a bit screwed up (D company 3RAR Kapyong) suppose it was better to drink than go crazy ????? Took his own life when 66
    Don't believe me ????
    More than 10000 a year ??? in America
    Check them numbers against the deaths in recent wars like Vietnam on-wards ?
    Remember that"s 10000 a year
    Love Australia. A country built by Englands waste, the Convicts

  10. #60
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elroy View Post

    But think of it like this Bird; do you have a fire extinguisher in the house? Do you wear a seatbelt when you drive? Do you lock your house/car when you leave? The best thing we can do, is prepare for those events, take the precautions.

    I have a question though, what did having a child have to do with getting rid of your rifles?
    Quick answers, Elroy.

    All the things you mention are legal, some being mandated by law or home insurance requirements.

    In Canada it is illegal to own a handgun unless you go through many expensive and ponderous hoops, one of which is mandatory membership in a gun club and the other being a permit to move that gun out of the gun club, to your home, and back to the gun club. Handguns in Canada are classified as restricted weapons. If you want to read about how difficult it is to obtain and own a restricted weapon (handgun), knock yourself out here:

    Children are inquisitive and resourceful. A rifle lying about unlocked, even separated from its ammunition, is a source of curiosity even for a toddler.
    I didn't need a rifle lying about to trigger (pun intended) any possibility of accidental or purposeful discharge by a child. And I wasn't about to spend hundreds of dollars to obtain the necessary lockable rifle cabinet required by law.

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