Just to be clear (and I appreciate that your experience may differ):

(a) My experience with the GL1800 suspension (supported by its critique by such vested interests but nontheless convincing experts as the guys at Traxxion) is such that I'm not worried about "what may or may not happen down the road"; rather, I'm expecting with some certainty that the suspension will crap out on me, and not at some vague and distant point down the road but within the first couple of years (riding at 10,000+ miles/year). With that past experience driving, say, a Ford pick-up, wouldn't anyone be cautious about buying another one?

(b) This suspension deterioration is just not something Honda would honor as a warranty issue. Believe me, I speak from experience of trying to get Mother Honda to acknowedge much more obvious design defects in previous models I have owned (such as repeated failures ofnthe final driven flange on my 1984 Wing).

But I am beginning to detect enough defensiveness that I gather I am raising these questions with the wrong audience. Thanks anyway and let's fuhgetabowdit.