Is The Climate changing , or not ? - Page 4
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Thread: Is The Climate changing , or not ?

  1. #31
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    -15 with the wind chill, here's your Global Warming

  2. #32
    Senior Member jaygollner's Avatar
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    I think I will listen to NASA and the DOD on this issue and let the deniers live in their delusions. I hope this doesn't offend my two followers as I would hate to have them run to the teacher and tattle tale on me.

    "Among the future trends that will impact our national security is climate change," Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel writes in the report's introduction.

    "Rising global temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, climbing sea levels, and more extreme weather events will intensify the challenges of global instability, hunger, poverty, and conflict. They will likely lead to food and water shortages, pandemic disease, disputes over refugees and resources, and destruction by natural disasters in regions across the globe," he adds.

    The report asserts that climate change will affect the Pentagon's ability to "defend the nation" and "poses immediate risks to U.S. national security," which is why the department is factoring impacts into everything from "war games" to "defense planning scenarios."

    The road map divides the Pentagon's response into two sections: adaptation, or addressing current and future changes; and mitigation, or actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    Under those two sections, the Pentagon identifies three broad goals, which include identifying and assessing the effects of climate on the department, integrating it into every action across the department, and collaborating with internal and external stakeholders.

  3. #33
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    5 records in one day, how about that.

  4. #34
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Embarrass, MN - I couldn't have made this up

    Thermometers malfunctioned in Minnesota:

    MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO/AP) —* Some of the coldest air of the season has settled into Minnesota.

    The bottom dropped out of readings in the northern region of the state Thursday. The community of Embarrass reported a temperature of 41 below zero. That’s without the wind chill factor. Forecasters say that’s the lowest recorded temperature in northern Minnesota this winter.

  5. #35
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Florida in the 30 degree range? What to do?

    The nation is still in the midst*a winter grip that seems to be getting tighter instead of looser with many parts of the country experiencing life-threatening cold.

    Wind chill advisories were issued Wednesday from*Chicago and Detroit and extending as far east as Baltimore. In some areas, the brutally cold winds will bring temperatures of minus 9 with wind chills as low as*minus 25 degrees.

    Forecasters in Raleigh, North Carolina,*issued warnings*that Thursday will bring “life-threatening” cold. Authorities warn that “freezing winds that could cause frostbite and put lives at risk” will descend on the area.

    Even Florida is set to have temperatures in the*low 30s.

  6. #36
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Frozen Niagara - Fiagra?

    Deep freeze sets records across eastern US and causes 11 deaths in Tennessee

    Record lows recorded at Newark airport and New York City’s Central Park
    Six deaths from hypothermia, five from car accidents or inability to reach care

    Newark Liberty airport reported a low of just 1F (-17C), breaking the record low of 5F (-15C) set in 1936, according to the Associated Press. With wind chills, the temperature would have felt like between -10F (-23C) and -20F (-29C). In New York City’s Central Park, the low hit 2F (-16.5C), breaking a record of 7F (-14C) from 1950. In upstate*New York, much of Niagara Falls was frozen over.

  7. #37
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    All time record lows smashed

    Flint, Mich., has tied its all-time record low for any month*when the temperature dropped to a brutal minus 25 degrees on Friday morning. The last time it was so cold in Flint was on Jan. 18, 1976.

    Cleveland broke its all-time record low for the month of February when the thermometer bottomed out at 17 degrees below zero on Friday morning. The new record surpassed the previous by one degree, set more than a century ago on Feb. 10, 1899.

    Many record lows for the date have been set in major cities along the Eastern Seaboard, including New York, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Atlanta and Miami.

    In Washington, a temperature of 5 degrees Friday morning was enough to smash a 120-year-old record for this date. That temperature, as measured at Reagan National Airport, broke the mark of 8 degrees that entered the record books on this date in 1896. D.C.’s record low of 5 degrees also surpassed last winter’s coldest low of 6 degrees on Jan. 7, 2014.

  8. #38
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    DC set for all time record low

    Another arctic blast arrived last night and this morning gusty breezes will make it feel like it’s well below zero. This afternoon features partly sunny skies with a few flurries with feel like temperatures in the single digits all day. Speaking of single digits, tonight that is likely for downtown D.C. with some of our suburbs slipping below zero making it the coldest air we’ve seen in over 20 years. Factor in the breeze and it will be brutal

    I'd keep going but my battery is dying, probably due to the cold, gotta recharge.

  9. #39
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    The Odds

    The odds of breaking 5 records in one day, regarding cold temperatures, are astronomical. To put it in perspective if the chance of breaking 1 record in one day is 100 to 1 then breaking 5 in one day would be 10,000,000,000 to 1, the mathematical translation to that is - "That's Fargin COLD"

  10. #40
    Senior Member taxfree4's Avatar
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    Revised Odds

    On thinking about it I have revised the numbers, it looks to me that that number should be 365 to be multiplied reflecting the amount of days in the year where all the variables would have to fall on in one day. So having said that the odds of breaking the 5 coldest temperatures in one day is: 1 in 6,478,348,728,125, which, to me, is about the same odds as Jane Fonda being the emcee at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Dinner in Washington DC and AL Gore being honored by the Mensa Society.

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