Quote Originally Posted by Steve 0080 View Post
Yes... a snow tire !!!
Ain't you afraid it might melt in the FL sun?

I've been running a CT on a few of my M/C for many years, way longer than it became known as "darksiding".
I don't promote nor discourage darksiding or even post about it very often.
I believe every rider has to make up their own mind about darksiding, but what I have been know to do is let a guy ride one of my scoots with a CT and not tell him it is on there until they get off the bike.
Some of the responses I have gotten are hilarious and one fellow wanted to come to blows thinking I had endangered his life by not telling him there was a CT on the rear, but could not fault the ride and notice no difference.
There is a difference when you put a CT on a M/C, but you sure as hell ain't going to crash and burn and go up in a puff of smoke as some naysayers speculate, in fact I have not seen one report of any darksider crashing due solely to running a CT verses a M/C tire on the back of a M/C, yea some guys don't like the feel, but there again each to their own.
I have not put a C/T on the F6 yet, but it will get one when new skins are needed.