So I was just riding along minding my own business when a little bird came out of nowhere and BAM, hit the fairing. Feathers and dust went everywhere. All I could think of was I hope it didn't get lodged in the radiator fan. Now I know why that plastic cage is there. Anyway, then I notice a feather on my speaker and I realize it's INSIDE my speaker grill. What the? I pull over and look all over the place for the bird. No bird on the bike. So I whip out my phone and google how to remove speaker grills. For those of you that don't know, DON'T PRY THE SPEAKER GRILLS. It's much easier than that. With the handlebars straight, pull up on the plastic piece around the ignition key hole and it will pop up. Then slide the whole thing back. If you want to remove it you have to unplug a few things but if you just want to remove debris from behind the speaker grills, just popping it loose will do the trick. The feathers came out with no problems and I was on my way. Weird how Honda left a gap behind the speakers that let's foreign objects inside. Anyone hear of a fix for that? Thanks for reading, hope this helps another rider with their first GW.
