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Thread: Cleveland baby dies in accidental shooting

  1. #21
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    We're so off topic that we're ON topic

    To clarify my post above, I'm referring to the parents of the child in this story as low-IQ, not anyone here.

  2. #22
    There are a few of them here too George.

  3. #23
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Limoles ...

    How many kill themselves and OTHERS in accidents due to excessive speeding? How about those that are intoxicated or distracted by texting or talking on a cell phone? Let's Eliminate ALL vehicles, cell phones and ALL alcoholic beverages ...... simply because a FEW were IRRESPONSIBLE and didn't give a crap about others. How about placing a speed limit of 20mph so that the risk of death in a accident is reduced to a minimum .....

    I was nearly killed 4 years ago by a lady driving a Chevy TAHOE that was texting as she ran a red light and hit me on my drivers door while she was traveling at 55mph, she got off simply with a ticket, yet to this day, I still suffer from that accident. Her vehicle was just as deadly as a LOADED gun, I was lucky to have survived!

    I know all my suggestions are ridiculous and just short of stupid ... kind of like the comments on banning firearms from the 99.99% that are responsible owners.

    Go back to WWII, if the Europeans had guns, Hitler would've not succeeded like he did (specifically in your home country of Poland) It was the GUN Toting Americans and their allies that saved your Asses. The majority of the French still to this day hate us Americans for saving their asses .... a bunch of ungrateful pieces of shit. MANY GUN Toting American soldiers died to liberate your fellow men .... STOP trying to shove down our throats the same beliefs that made Hitler so successful and caused your country to CRUMBLE under German GUN Carrying soldiers. You must learn from History.

    Now, why don't you buy a home in the middle of Trenton or Camden or even Newark NJ. Place a sign on your front door or even on your cars that you DO NOT own a gun .... let's see how many times your house is burglarized and your life placed in danger .... I'll even start the home search for you, what is your budget ? Homes in these neighborhoods are VERY AFFORDABLE --- you ever wonder why? Must be because no one carries a gun ... yeah right, the criminals do

    Sorry for my RANT, but I'm entitled to my opinion based on my experiences. All the "Let's eliminate GUNS" fanatics probably have never lived in a high crime area, never had their lives placed on the line by a gun toting criminal or experienced hardships caused by crime.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  4. #24
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    Tony, that accident must be the source of the riding pain you've mentioned on longer rides?

    Hitler had quite the military machine up and running... sometimes I wonder if even the US could have withstood a surprise attack if Hitler was next door to us. Good thing he wasn't.

    Sometimes I get upset at the French snootiness too, but all I have to do is think about their support in our own Revolution. France allied herself with us, declared war on England, sent us troops, arms, etc, and was a major factor in the USA gaining its' own independence... we also owe them a debt of gratitude.

    Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
    There are a few of them here too George.
    It's all good Shooter; I enjoy the debate and can respect a differing point of view. Doesn't mean I have to agree

  5. #25
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srt8-in-largo View Post

    Sometimes I get upset at the French snootiness too, but all I have to do is think about their support in our own Revolution. France allied herself with us, declared war on England, sent us troops, arms, etc, and was a major factor in the USA gaining its' own independence... we also owe them a debt of gratitude.

    George, I have expressed the same sentiments and gratitude for the PAST French Generations as you have above. In my opinion the French of the mid 1900's to current are not cut from the same thread as their BRAVE ancestors that had the same VIGOR for Freedom as we did and we Americans CONTINUE to have. I Travel quite a bit and believe me, the French attitudes towards us Americans sucks royally, it is the OLDER French population that is grateful for the sacrifices that our men made during WWII.

    If the French were grateful for the thousands of Americans that died and are still buried in Northern France ... Then they would NOT be charging us to lease the grounds where our brave men are buried in Normandy. Yes, you read that correctly, the French Government requires that we pay them to have our fallen soldiers buried on their land, that would have otherwise be speaking German today if it wasn't for the American blood that was shed.

    In 1985 (30 years ago --- wow how time flies) my brother and I were severely attacked by 3 French thugs on dope at 3:00am as we slept outside of the main Train station in Paris awaiting the 7:00am train to Madrid. It was when my brother and I started speaking English between ourselves that the shit hit the fan. When your life flashes in front of your eyes and your adrenaline kicks in for the first time, there are no rules in SURVIVAL. If I had stashed a gun in my back pack, there would have been a couple of casualties. It was ugly to say the least, Thankfully my Brother and I were the only ones that were able to hobble away from the scene, the 3 french thugs unfortunately ended up with life long scars to their faces, torn ear and a broken collar bone. The aluminum light pole and steel grated fence jumped on top of them and did the damage. That's my story and I'm sticking with that. I was fortunate to walk away with stretched ligaments on my right ankle.

    I have Family still to this day in 3 European countries, France being one of them. I visit every 2 years to see my uncles and cousins and remind myself why I love my country .... the good ole USA. I will be returning to Europe in 2016 for possibly a 2 week motorcycle adventure. Ship the Goldwing with Lufthansa one day before I depart and when I arrive it is waiting for me at the package terminal. Then return back to Frankfort one day early and when I return to Atlanta I just pick it up and ride home. It's not set in concrete but in the planning stages.

    My comments are based on my actual experiences, yours may vary. I am proud of my European heritage, it's just that my eyes are open to reality. History has a tendency to repeat itself .

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    All the "Let's eliminate GUNS" fanatics probably have never lived in a high crime area, never had their lives placed on the line by a gun toting criminal or experienced hardships caused by crime.

    What came first, the chicken or the egg? Do guns cause crime or does crime manifest gun ownership?
    The US baby's long ago been thrown out. Now you're stuck with the bathwater.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    George, I have expressed the same sentiments and gratitude for the PAST French Generations as you have above. In my opinion the French of the mid 1900's to current are not cut from the same thread as their BRAVE ancestors that had the same VIGOR for Freedom as we did and we Americans CONTINUE to have. I Travel quite a bit and believe me, the French attitudes towards us Americans sucks royally, it is the OLDER French population that is grateful for the sacrifices that our men made during WWII.

    If the French were grateful for the thousands of Americans that died and are still buried in Northern France ... Then they would NOT be charging us to lease the grounds where our brave men are buried in Normandy. Yes, you read that correctly, the French Government requires that we pay them to have our fallen soldiers buried on their land, that would have otherwise be speaking German today if it wasn't for the American blood that was shed.

    In 1985 (30 years ago --- wow how time flies) my brother and I were severely attacked by 3 French thugs on dope at 3:00am as we slept outside of the main Train station in Paris awaiting the 7:00am train to Madrid. It was when my brother and I started speaking English between ourselves that the shit hit the fan. When your life flashes in front of your eyes and your adrenaline kicks in for the first time, there are no rules in SURVIVAL. If I had stashed a gun in my back pack, there would have been a couple of casualties. It was ugly to say the least, Thankfully my Brother and I were the only ones that were able to hobble away from the scene, the 3 french thugs unfortunately ended up with life long scars to their faces, torn ear and a broken collar bone. The aluminum light pole and steel grated fence jumped on top of them and did the damage. That's my story and I'm sticking with that. I was fortunate to walk away with stretched ligaments on my right ankle.

    I have Family still to this day in 3 European countries, France being one of them. I visit every 2 years to see my uncles and cousins and remind myself why I love my country .... the good ole USA. I will be returning to Europe in 2016 for possibly a 2 week motorcycle adventure. Ship the Goldwing with Lufthansa one day before I depart and when I arrive it is waiting for me at the package terminal. Then return back to Frankfort one day early and when I return to Atlanta I just pick it up and ride home. It's not set in concrete but in the planning stages.

    My comments are based on my actual experiences, yours may vary. I am proud of my European heritage, it's just that my eyes are open to reality. History has a tendency to repeat itself .
    Ah I get it now... very interesting. I Agree.

    And MAN! What a motorcycle journey that will be! I can't wait to see the videos

  8. #28
    Admin - Chief poop scooper Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post
    What came first, the chicken or the egg? Do guns cause crime or does crime manifest gun ownership?
    The US baby's long ago been thrown out. Now you're stuck with the bathwater.

    What weapons did the Romans use? Knives, swords and spears? Did our Indian ancestors have Bow and Arrow "safes" back in the old days?

    Knives have been around for many years, and many have died from stabbings or just watch the ISIS videos where beheadings are the norm with knives being the culprit ... it's the knifes fault. Let's ban ALL knifes from the Middle East and all of the beheadings will stop. Sounds just as absurd doesn't it? Think about it, there is no difference.

    It comes down to the individual and their ability to process a situation rapidly. Applying restraint is key.

    The parents of the children that left the gun in a area where the children could access it should be held accountable.

    Successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Unsuccessful people just hate, blame and complain.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbird View Post
    What came first, the chicken or the egg? Do guns cause crime or does crime manifest gun ownership?
    The US baby's long ago been thrown out. Now you're stuck with the bathwater.
    There's something to that comment, Bird.

    I won't ask if you've ever been in a dangerous area, I'll listen if you share, but this is not something that can be imagined in a classroom or from the comfort of a suburban sofa. Try stopping for gas in East St. Louis after midnight. Step out of the subway at the north end of Central Park in NYC, again, after midnight.

    Idk about the chicken or the egg but there are some big bad dudes out there, bred for nothing but trouble, and could give a rat's ass about how nice you are... a sign of weakness in their eyes.

    Finally, the only people who consider the situation as being "stuck with the bathwater" are the anti-gunners who believe the skies will open and the seas will part once guns are banned. That's not a concept that works in America. Heck, we're so broken politically that we can't keep 15 million Mexicans from crossing the border. You think we can keep guns out?

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    Limoles ...

    How many kill themselves and OTHERS in accidents due to excessive speeding? How about those that are intoxicated or distracted by texting or talking on a cell phone? Let's Eliminate ALL vehicles, cell phones and ALL alcoholic beverages ...... simply because a FEW were IRRESPONSIBLE and didn't give a crap about others. How about placing a speed limit of 20mph so that the risk of death in a accident is reduced to a minimum .....

    I was nearly killed 4 years ago by a lady driving a Chevy TAHOE that was texting as she ran a red light and hit me on my drivers door while she was traveling at 55mph, she got off simply with a ticket, yet to this day, I still suffer from that accident. Her vehicle was just as deadly as a LOADED gun, I was lucky to have survived!

    I know all my suggestions are ridiculous and just short of stupid ... kind of like your comments on banning firearms from the 99.99% that are responsible owners.

    Go back to WWII, if the Europeans had guns, Hitler would've not succeeded like he did (specifically in your home country of Poland) It was the GUN Toting Americans and their allies that saved your Asses. The majority of the French still to this day hate us Americans for saving their asses .... a bunch of ungrateful pieces of shit. MANY GUN Toting American soldiers died to liberate your fellow men .... STOP trying to shove down our throats the same beliefs that made Hitler so successful and caused your country to CRUMBLE under German GUN Carrying soldiers. You must learn from History.

    Now, why don't you buy a home in the middle of Trenton or Camden or even Newark NJ. Place a sign on your front door or even on your cars that you DO NOT own a gun .... let's see how many times your house is burglarized and your life placed in danger .... I'll even start the home search for you, what is your budget ? Homes in these neighborhoods are VERY AFFORDABLE --- you ever wonder why? Must be because no one carries a gun ... yeah right

    Sorry for my RANT, but I'm entitled to my opinion based on my experiences. All the "Let's eliminate GUNS" fanatics probably have never lived in a high crime area, never had their lives placed on the line by a gun toting criminal or experienced hardships caused by crime.
    Tony ,

    With all respect to your authority , I have to DISAGREE with your analysis .

    History is my strong point , especially covering WWII . Hitler's raise to the power happened under international watch , where even American Corporations were financing German supplies of weaponry , backed by American and Vatican Banking System . Americans stayed away from the war , until their national security has been compromized , when German U-Boats got near New Jersey shores and Japanese disgrased unprepared for fight Yankee post in Pearl Harbor . Eventually , joined forces , ( led by British Alliances ) in 1944 operation "Overlord" dismantled German fury in legendary D-Day's Normandy shores . Not even ONE AMERICAN SOLDIER put the foot into the Polish territory , so are no chances to give you a credit for its deliberation . Yes - 156 000 American and Canadian troops landed in France to blow the final assault , but again - fight was also joined by armies of Australia , Belgium , Czechoslovakia , France , Greece , Netherland , New Zealand , Norway and Poland , who contributed to the final victory . After winning the battle for Stalingrad , Russian avalanche of desperate Bolsheviks moved West and closed the ring from Eastern Site , entering to the city of Berlin . Again , not even one American fought in that battle .The final massacre of civilian people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the war . That's the history facts , which might not match handbooks , which were given to you after all . French people are snobs and do not hate Americans for "saving their asses" , but for cultural differences . There are to many to count and I'll not to go further from that .

    And now , your question "WHY" I do not live in ghettos of Trenton , Camden or even Newark , the answer is simple : I DO NOT NEED TO . But , if it would be necessary , I could find the methods of peaceful coexistence . Did anybody made deeper analysis of those places existence anyway ? Did you forget already , that American history is responsible for slavery , which established irreversible differences in societies and their hierarhies ? Despite present political trends to integrate multicultural groups of people coming from different cultures and believes , it simply DOESN'T WORK ! Still hate exist on both sites of the alley .

    Crime is associated with anger and guns in hands of unemployed , unskilled and uneducated groups are the biggest threat to societal advancement . This is also problem caused by politicians , who in short-sited programs created most ridiculous effect , labeled "no child left behind" . Everything to just be elected . What would you expect from drop out student , who is unable to join labor forces , necessary to build progressive life ? Problem is complicated and neither you , me or someone from our Forum is able to solve it . But is also good to know it .

    My strong refusal of firearm possession is logic only for me . You will not find me to criticize those , who have one , but I'm sure will not help anyone to use it in "critical moment" either . Look around and read , how the crime is evolved and what is done to end it ( or reduce it ) ? Having gun doesn't provide any guaranties to save life . Please count the number of the people , who used it in "self defense" , or in "protection" who were threatened and compare to these numbers , which are representing actual statistics , placing USA in worlds leadership in murders . It is shameful record .

    Since we have Police , National Guards and Army , Government should be responsible for our safety and it could be good enough already , if properly executed . But , if you or others will explain , why so called American Interest is using our Army to protect and secure Corporation's businesses around the world , it will open another discussion , leading us to reflections , why America lost numerous wars in Vietnam , Central America , Iraq , Afghanistan and why 9/11 happened ? Don't you think , there are consequences of foreign policies , provoking others to answer with terrorism ? Al-Qaida , ISIS , which are impossible to curb causing serious problems to the entire world and we are witnessing beginning of civilization clashes already .

    Don't get me wrong , but as I stated in other thread - as much I hate guns , when USA , or American people will ever be in immediate danger of foreign invasion IN OUR TERRITORY , I'll fight for properly understood freedom and its integrity .

    Meanwhile , I believe that child's death is NOT ONLY caused by irresponsible parents , but the easy access to the gun , which in luck of its presence , wouldn't initiate our debate .

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