I'm not a card-carrying member of the F6B owners group (yet) but part of the Honda family. I've been riding the VTX 1300R for about seven years -- closing in on 35,000 miles. Lots of life left in my '05 X but really looking to move away from the carburetor and into something with fuel injection, ABS and, of course, more power. So here's the deal. I've always thought the F6B may be too big a bike to move up to given its 800+ lbs. weight. I'm 5'7" and 185 lbs. and showroom visits prove that the bike fits me okay. I haven't had the opportunity to road test yet though. Very interested to hear the thoughts of those who may be . . . ahem . . . vertically challenged and own the F6B. Is the F6B a bike a smaller guy can handle okay in most real-world situations? Thanks!